5 thoughts on “CSC dm list: CSC District Manager Contact Number, CSC vle Helpline Number, 2024”

  1. Dear Sir
    My name is Anil oraon , belongs to Ranchi District of jharkhand . I have applied for CSC/VLE on 14/10/2022 and still my application is under review. So Please do needful support. All details mentioned below.

    Application Reference No:- 1559595706890477
    Applied on:- 14 oct 2022
    TEC Certificate No:- TEC3269661284
    Registered Mobile No:- xxx49763
    Registered Mail ID:- orxxx7092@gmail.com

  2. श्री मान जी ,
    मैं अशोक पुत्र श्री निर्मल मैंने कॉमन सर्विस सेंटर खोलने के लिए एग्जाम दे दिया है मेरा टेक सेर्टिफिकेट भी जुलाई मे आ गया है ।
    सभी जरुरी डॉक्यूमेंट डिस्ट्रिक्ट मैनेजर को दे दिए है । मैंने एक दुकान छः महीने पहले किराये पर ली है दुकान के किराया निकलना मुश्किल हो रहा है । कृपया मेरा कॉमन सर्विस सेंटर शरू किया जाये । आपकी अति कृपया होगी ।
    अशोक पुत्र निर्मल
    TEC4706xxxx3 .
    अप्लीकेशन रेफरन्स नंबर 2071xxxx667954 .
    मोबाइल नंबर 98xxxx24 .

  3. Respected sir. I Krishna Kumar choudhary s/o tekchand choudhary, I have applied for CSC vle id on 20/12/2022 but my application is still under review from your end sir my shop is on rent and without CSC id I am unable to provide all services plss sir process my Request fast as soon As possible. My reference number is 1211517419228339, and date of birth *9**/1995, contact number is 7024****7.
    Thank you sir.

  4. Respected sir my id is under review from your end please make it fast as soon as possible sir…
    1211517419228339 this is my reference number . My contact is 7024******


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